Tuesday, November 24, 2009

V-stitch Scallop hat

I get bored easily!! So, I am going to start carrying a hook and yarn with me. As long as my job is done I can do what I want at work. Today I made up this hat and then wrote the pattern down.
I really like the way it turned out. Going to make one in black for me to keep, then try to sell a couple. The hat goes together fast and is fun to make.

Jack Skellington Hat

Every year I start thinking of some unique Christmas present I can give each of my sons. I get ideas from them, things they like, or from their brothers. This year I asked Bryce if Dale would like a knit hat with skulls on it or a Jack Skellington hat. Bryce told me hands down a Jack hat. Here is the finished product. Kinda proud of it.