Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jack Skellington Hat

Every year I start thinking of some unique Christmas present I can give each of my sons. I get ideas from them, things they like, or from their brothers. This year I asked Bryce if Dale would like a knit hat with skulls on it or a Jack Skellington hat. Bryce told me hands down a Jack hat. Here is the finished product. Kinda proud of it.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness i love nightmare before christmas and i would absolutely buy this pattern if you still have it? :) if you do email me at ramos2292@hotmail.com i would be more than happy to buy this pattern from you :)

Anonymous said...

i rather like this hat :] is there anywhere i can purchase one? and if so, how much? candypanda09@aol.com plz lemme know! :]

Anonymous said...

I would buy one of those hats. Please email me soon. Alishabrw@gmail.com
Thanks. :)

stitch-and-purr said...

haha! that's so cool! I love it:D

MeLlamanOctubre said...

Hey! That hat is really awesome, a Friend of mine has also one similar, have a look(it's on one of the pics below)